Babystrology Baby Sign Language Dictionary

Hello everyone! How’s your signing adventure? I just found this site and I think it will  also help you in your signing adventure and supplement the materials you have from Baby Signs Philippines.

To learn more about the Baby Signs® Program, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Baby Signs® Potty Party – July 6, 2013

Baby Signs Philippines hosted its first Potty Party last July 6 at Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street. This event was attended by more than 25 people including Mommies, Daddies and other members of the Family. During this session, they learned that they can potty train their kids before they turn two through the Baby Signs® Program. A lot of games, songs and stories were shared by the participants.

We would like to thank our partners, Fully Booked Bonifacio High Street and Insular Life Philippines for supporting this event.


To see the rest of the photos, check out our Facebook Page.


Baby Signs® Party (Hosted by Mothercare Philippines) – June 29, 2013

Baby Signs Philippines was invited to be part of the Baby & Me Event for June by Mothercare Philippines. It’s a monthly event for mothers that provide learning sessions, tips, products and support for mom participants. 

There were 100 registrants online. Out of the 100, 42 registrants attended together with their husbands, kids, yayas and even grandparents which brought the total number of attendees to 80 participants. The place was packed!

I would like to thank the following for making this event a success:

1.  Mariel Bartolome, Brand Manager of Mothercare Philippines for being such a gracious host and partner. I look forward to more sessions with you!

2. Avent Philippines and Cycles Philippines and Cradles for sponsoring the host, food and prizes

3. All the moms who have registered and attended the event plus those who have walked-in and chose to spend that Saturday afternoon with us — you continue to inspired me to give my best all throughout the session!

Here are some photos from the Baby Signs® Program Orientation:




For the full album, please check our Facebook Page.